About Little Star Friends

Hi all! My name is Caitlin and I am the creator of these wonderful Friends.

I was making and sewing up monsters and buddies for my 3 boys long before I started Little Star Friends. This wild ride all started with a picture in a Facebook Group of my oldest son cuddling a Yeti I created. Soon I had people asking if I sold these sweet creatures. I never even imagined that people would love my creations as much as I did! I pondered on selling and what I would name my business. I wanted to honor my 3 boys in my business name and so Little Star Friends was born. The abbreviation, LSF, is actually the first letter of each of my boys names in birth order! 

When creating Little Star Friends I  wanted to be as eco-conscious and low waste as possible while providing heirloom quality stuffed animals. With most businesses (small or large) that use textiles over 15% of the fabric ends up on the floor destined for a landfill. That is not how I work! I strive to use and re-purpose everything! From creating patterns that 'fit' together to reduce fabric waste, to using small scraps as spots on Monster Friends, to then saving all of my tiny scraps to stuff pet beds that I donate to my local shelters. I use EVERYTHING! I partner with other small shops to get their remnant fabric, vegan leather, etc to reduce their waste as well! This earth deserves better and while LSF is but a small pebble in this big textile world I hope to create the ripples of change!

Another Core Belief of Little Star Friends is Giving Back. So each month I choose a different Charity or Organization to donate to. It could be almost anything but reoccurring themes will happen. Here at LSF we believe Black Lives Matter, Love is Love, Children are our greatest resource, Bees need saving, and a little kindness goes a long way. Follow along in our Facebook group to hear where I am donating to this month!

This business lights me up and I want it to show! I want to spread love and light to each person who owns a Little Star Friend. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting my small business.

- Caitlin Rowoldt